Monday, December 1, 2014

Cheese Ball

Many years ago, some good friends invited us over for their traditional Sunday evening Advent meal. There were different kinds of bread, cheese, and cold cuts on the table. Each place setting was lit by a candle placed in a tangerine as a holder. All kinds of nuts and dried fruit were strewn over the table to complete the decoration. We knew immediately that this would become a tradition for our family too! We usually have this cheese ball on our Advent Sunday table and it’s easy to take to other holiday gatherings.

Cheese Ball
9 oz (250 g) mascarpone
9 oz (250 g) grated Gruyère cheese
1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
½ teaspoon onion powder
1 cup (120 g) chopped pecans

Set aside half the nuts. Mix together all other ingredients. Form into a ball and roll over the remaining nuts, coating the ball

I replace the nuts with sesame seeds for those who have nut allergies


Boule de fromage
250 g de mascarpone
250 g de gruyère râpé
1 cuillère à soupe de Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 cuillère à café de poudre d’oignon
120 g de noix concassées

Réserver la moitié des noix, puis bien mélanger tous les autres ingrédients. Prendre la masse dans les mains et former une boule. Rouler la boule dans les noix restantes

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